
Fitness Motivation!

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Fitness Motivation! Why is it that all the bodybuilding and fitness motivational videos and posters seem to feature unobtainable physiques? I just don’t get it. How is it motivational for a natural bodybuilder to look at a video featuring a bunch of horse sized IFBB… Read More »Fitness Motivation!

Nice is Sexy!

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I know its really fashionable these days to be mean. Its how some people try to stand out in a crowd – see who can say the meanest, nastiest put down. It used to just be the schoolyard bully but the internet has taken it… Read More »Nice is Sexy!

Gym Attire and Fashion

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People often ask me what to wear to the gym, very good question and alot of people stress out WAY too much about this. Yes, its great to look good but if that gets in the way of fitness then DITCH IT! Function first! Lets… Read More »Gym Attire and Fashion

What do YOU want?

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So what fitness videos would help YOU the most??? Please fill out this 2 minute subscriber survey

8 years on YouTube!

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Today is my 8th anniversary on YouTube! My first video was uploaded on Aug 1, 2006 and it has 40 million views now: The quality is pretty awful but back before YouTube I was self hosting. Back then, I had to pay bandwidth charges for… Read More »8 years on YouTube!

Smokeless Cigarettes

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Smokeless Cigarettes, yikes, they are really advertising aggressively! I got this in the mail today, so I can “reinvent the way I smoke” LOL! Score!  I have $15 worth of coupons to jump start me into an addictive habit that will costs thousands of dollars… Read More »Smokeless Cigarettes