

24hr Fitness bankrupt.

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I warned people on January 15, well before coronavirus, that 24hr Fitness would be going out of business  for the three clear reasons I outline in that article: Steep discounts on long term memberships is always an indication of a gym about to go out… Read More »24hr Fitness bankrupt.

pain free muscular shoulder gains

pain free shoulder gains

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The truth is that there is no such thing as “pain free muscular gains”.  Muscle gain requires years of hard work in the gym.  The pain I am referring to here is joint pain and how to gain muscle without causing painful tendonitis in the… Read More »pain free shoulder gains


The Pec Chef Returns!

The Pec Chef returns with a quick easy recipe. No chopping, no stove, no oven – just a crockpot and a sink required.   Today I have a great recipe for you! With less than 10 minutes of work, including cleanup, you can make 10… Read More »The Pec Chef Returns!

Is Scooby Jewish?

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Time to clear something up from long ago. In the past, people on my YouTube video comments have asked if I am Jewish or if I am gay. I have always responded with: “I’m a gay African American Jew and if you can show me… Read More »Is Scooby Jewish?