
Scooby’s European Tour

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I would like to once again thank everyone who made my European trip in July so memorable!  Many of you came very long distances to meet me, share your stories, and to give me some of the most awesome gifts ever!  Sometimes I start to… Read More »Scooby’s European Tour

Depressed? Eat Clean!

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So we already know that exercise helps improve mood, even as little as 10 minutes walking a day has been shown to improve mood, now we have some indication that nutrition plays a role in depression also! Very interesting research: A Diet Rich In Fruits And… Read More »Depressed? Eat Clean!

How Zyzz Died

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Sanitizing the cause of Zyzz’ death does nothing to honor him.  Zyzz is hero to a generation and rightly so, the only other somewhat comparable story I can think of is Arnold Schwarzenegger. I get VERY tired of this, people telling me “how Zyzz died”.… Read More »How Zyzz Died