
Christmas Fitness Tips

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Christmas Fitness Tips You can enjoy Christmas without going overboard, here’s how: Fifteen minutes before the big meal, drink two 16 ounce glasses of water.  This will help make you feel full with less food. Plan on getting two plates of food.  On your first… Read More »Christmas Fitness Tips

Upper Pec Mass Builder

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Upper Pec Mass Builder In my opinion, incline dumbbell flys are the #1 best exercise for building pec mass.  For upper pec mass, the incline dumbbell fly and for lower pecs the flat dumbbell fly. The incline dumbbell fly is an exercise you can do at… Read More »Upper Pec Mass Builder

Intermediate Push Workout

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Intermediate Push Workout This is a complete intermediate bodybuilding workout for gaining muscle and getting stronger.  All you need is a used set of dumbbells and your carpeted floor.  This is the push workout day of my intermediate home workout plan.  My intermediate home workout… Read More »Intermediate Push Workout

Coping With Winter Funk

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Coping with Winter Funk It goes by a lot of names but the clinical one is S.A.D. (Seasonal Affect Disorder), I like to call it the “Winter Funk”. Some people love seasons, the winter, the cold weather, and snow, but not me. From my Facebook… Read More »Coping With Winter Funk