Quarantine workout, LIVE!


Join me for this live quarantine workout this Sunday!!!   First a few things.  Yes, I am retired from fitness.  It is ironic that less than a month after I retired from doing YouTube fitness videos, the whole world becomes interested in home workouts because of coronavirus home quarantine.  NO, I will not be doing more home workout videos. I have over 1000 home workout videos done over 15 years on my YouTube channel and have no intention of wasting my time to re-make them.  Use this website to find the workouts you want or look on my YouTube channel.

Hopefully some of you took the advice in my Feb 28 video on coronavirus preparations and equipped your home gyms. To do this live home workout with us on Sunday you need the following simple equipment:

  1. a pullup bar, a doorway mount bar is fine
  2. a set of resistance bands
  3. a suspension trainer, TRX or DIY $6 suspension trainer

I have been preaching the benefits of home workouts for 20  years so I have this mastered.   Last weekend we did a full body workout, this weekend we will do a pull workout.

To find the live broadcast, go to my YouTube channel and look for the “Live Now!”

