Hiking for cardio!

Walking is the best cardio of all, why?

  1. You dont need any equipment other than the shoes you have
  2. It is the least likely of all exercises to get you injured so you can do it consistently and consistency is the key to success with cardio.
  3. It is one of the most enjoyable and social forms of exercise around!
  4. hiking is the original “cross training”, especially when the terrain is rough. Think you are in good shape?  Go for a 10 mile hike in rough terrain and see how you feel the next day.

During the week you might be confined to walking at work, in your neighborhood, or in a local park but I am willing to be that within a short drive, on weekends you can find a fabulous park to go hiking in!

Please consider going for a hike next weekend with family or friends!

hiking-for-cardio hiking-for-cardio hiking-for-cardio hiking-for-cardio