Germany has a special place in my heart. No, I am not German but I love German culture and lifestyle. I lived and worked in Muenchen in 1991/1992 and loved it so I am very glad to be back in Germany. This will be the fourth time I have been in Köln. The first time as a teenage tourist staying in a youth hostel in 1989, the next two times as a cyclist biking the length of the Rhine river on long cycling tours, and the fourth times was as a triathlete participating in the Köln Gay Games in 2010. A great many thanks to the army of volunteers who made that event such a memorable experience, it was awesome! Anyway, I am very glad to be back once again!
Please stop on by to say hello – I want to take your photo with me for my photo album!!! Two places you can meet me:
6th Juli
- 17:30 Die Südturmdiespitze des Kölner Doms
- 18:00 Haupteingang Der Kölner Dom
We always love climbing to the top of every Cathedral in every city we visit so you can meet us at the top of the Südturm at 17:30 or at the main entrance of the Cathedral at 18:00 if you dont like claustrophobic, winding staircases.
Please see Scooby’s Reise Durch Europa