FDA seizing Jack3d and OxyElitePro – DMAA again

Supplement update: Once again Jack3d is in the news. You may remember my post just four months ago when the Jack3d lawsuits were in the news, well Jack3d is back grabbing headlines. Since 2008, the FDA has received reports of 86 health problems, including at least five deaths, in consumers who used DMAA products. Despite these problems with DMAA and ignoring the FDA’s warning on producing DMAA containing products, USPlabs has continued to use DMAA in their Jack3D and OxyElitePro products. Perhaps USPlabs thought the FDA was just blowing hot air but the 7 million dollar fine that bodybuilding.com had to pay should have made them realize that the FDA is getting serious about supplements.  Anyway, the FDA is now working thru the courts to seize stashes of Jack3d and OlyElitePro in several east coast warehouses.

Is Jack3D safe?

Thanks to JC Smitty on Facebook for this lead!