Workout today for tomorrow you may die

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A lot of us are so into lifting that we get this mindset that every workout has to be optimal or it “wastes” a workout. We would rather ‘save’ a workout for tomorrow if we know we do not have enough time to give it 100% effort. The notion is that you can only work out every X days so you have to make sure each workout is perfect. Although this dedication and mentality is admirable, its not always optimal for progress – two reasons.

First, being forced to do a quickie workout forces you to strip away all rituals and current workout plans and come up with something completely new on the fly. This new and untraditional workout might be just the kick in the pants your trainibg needs!

Second reason, lift today because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Shit happens. Perfect example, I am biking thru Cambodia at the moment and three days ago, I had 45 minutes to shower and pack – not really optimal at all for a workout but I did some amazing multitasking and got somewhat of a workout in. Good thing I did! Got really sick from the food. Happens every time I bike in Asia and this one was my own damn fault – I was too bold and decided to supplement my precious protein supply with local pork jerkey from the market which in retrospect was foolish. Two days of fever and Montezumas revenge ensued making working out a stupid idea as biking alone was all my body coukd handle. That 45 minute ‘bad’ workout where I multitasked with packing and showering ended up being a great decision

Workout today for tomorrow you may die

Workout today for tomorrow you may die