Topics Covered In Office Hours

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Lots of great questions in todays office hours! Here is an index to the questions I answered.

Note: after you click on the below links you might have to hit your browsers refresh button a few times to go to the proper time.

2:40 ten best vegetables
6:06 maintenance workout vs gaining workouts
10:57 what dumbbell exercises prepare you for pullulps
12:38 how can you identify simple carbs on nutritional labels
15:00 Scooby calls himself! Echo echo echo
15:26 how to choose your first bicycle
27:10 is flexing abs during cardio beneficial
29:00 weighted backpack or dumbbell between legs for weighted pullups
31:42 testosterone boosters
34:54 how to use skinfold calipers
37:25 good protein and bad protein sources
42:49 cardio after lifting kilz gainz?
45:15Why are so many prisoners so muscular?

Note: after you click on the above links you might have to hit your browsers refresh button a few times to go to the proper time.