December 21, End or Beginning?
Is today the end of the world or the beginning? Although some predict the end of the world, I am rejoicing today. The winter solstice is today and its the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere where I live. From now on, every day gets longer – more daylight! I can nearly taste springtime already. I am a creature of summer. I love the heat, beach volleyball, and sweating puddles when going for a run. Its always a fight for me to keep up my fitness motivation in the winter, I even try light therapy. I hate the cold, grey, short days of winter. I know there are people who love snow and winter but not me. Anyway, for me mentally December 21 is a huge day. I know its the middle of winter but after today, its mentally the start of spring because each day will get brighter and warmer.
So what am I going to do today which is supposed to be the end of the world? My celebration will be to go for a 10k run and then do pushups for the first time in 3 weeks! For some that doesn’t seem like much of a celebration but for me it is. Because of a wrist injury (typing) I had to stop ALL lifting that involved the use of my hand for the last 3 weeks to let it heal. I was able to do adaptive workouts but today is the first day in three weeks that I can add a pushing exercise to my chest workout. The worst thing you can do when recovering from an injury is to push too hard too fast. I used ice and immobilization for 2 weeks, caution for one week, and now I ready to try some loads. I will start with knee pushups on my fists (the safest position for the wrist). If I have zero discomfort then I will do full pushups but if I notice any pain or discomfort then I will stop immediately and make that doctors appointment.
Happy Winter Solstice! Get Ready For Summer!