Working out with a shoulder injury

This is a great example of what to do with an injury. I could sit back and just say that with my lame shoulder I “Can’t” workout, nope! Do what you can! First lets look at what I was doing before I lost use of my shoulder:

Weights Cardio
Monday 60min chest workout & abs indoor cycle 1hr
Tuesday 60min lat workout swim 1hr
Wednesday 60min shoulder workout run
Thursday 60min arm workout & abs swim 1hr
Friday 60min leg workout heavy indoor cycle 1hr
Saturday swim 1hr

Now lets cross out the things that the doctor has forbidden me to do:

Weights Cardio
Monday 60min chest workout & abs indoor cycle 1hr
Tuesday 60min lat workout swim 1hr
Wednesday 60min shoulder workout run
Thursday 60min arm workout & abs swim 1hr
Friday 60min leg workout heavy indoor cycle 1hr
Saturday swim 1hr

Hmmm, doesnt look good. So where does that leave me? Well for cardio, although I cant swim, I can still run and bike – thats fine, I can just alternate days with that. Now with workouts, technically speaking I cant do arms but I know that I can do biceps without activating my shoulders at all so thats fine. I think I can find a triceps exercise that doesnt use any shoulder. Chest is completely out of the question. Lats technically I shouldnt do but, I think I might be able to do those without activating any shoulder also. So where does that leave me? Lets take a look at my modified workout to avoid exacerbating my shoulder problem:

My Non-Shoulder Workout Schedule:

Weights Therapy Cardio
Day 1 60mi quads and abs Shoulder PT cycle
Day 2 60min calves (and lats?) Shoulder PT run
Day 3 60min hamstrings and abs Shoulder PT cycle
Day 4 60min biceps Shoulder PT run
Day 5 60min triceps and abs Shoulder PT cycle


Looks like Scooby is going to be doing lots of legs and abs!!!!! Use injuries to focus on other body parts that you may have neglected in the past. Your injury might be the best thing that has ever happened to your physique :) Before I did legs on one day, now I have spread them out onto three different days, I’m not going to be able to walk!