One Leg Stiff Legged Deadlift (SDL)
This is an awesome hamstring exercise you can do at home or at the gym. Its a single leg kettlebell stiff legged deadlift for hamstrings. Now I know that some of you think that anything that requires balance is stupid, its not. Yes, working on balance is good but thats not the main reason we are doing this on one leg. Its because doing them one legged turns it into an amazing core workout. Its triple duty, hamstrings, balance, and core – all at once!
Core workout
What? “Why is this a core workout” you ask? Try it and you will see! This isn’t a “make sixpack abs to get hot babes” kind of core workout, its more about building the stabilizing muscles that get used in sports and when you trip over the kettlebell you left in the middle of the floor. Any time the torso is loaded asymmetrically, its a core workout. When you do this you will feel your lower back, your obliques, your abs, and everything in-between straining to support that heavy arm with the kettlebell. Most accidents that throw peoples backs out are asymmetrical, twisting kinds of accidents. By strengthening your core slowly and gently with exercises like this, you will better be able to withstand the jarring surprise tackle from behind without injury.
I don’t have a kettlebell
Clearly there is no reason that this exercise has to be done with a kettlebell, you can use a dumbbell. Its just that the handle of a kettlebell is a lot easier to grasp when you get into the larger weights because its diameter is larger.