Ross Loses 30 Pounds!
Hey Scooby,
I first and foremost want to thank you for your simple and honest approach to bodybuilding and nutrition! As it turns out, someone does not have to be wealthy to achieve their physical goals, and you have made that very clear on your website. Please keep up the good work and I will do the same!
Thanks for all you do,
23 yrs old(current age)
San Antonio, TX USA
Before Picture-Taken Dec. 2011
After Picture-Taken Nov.2012
Before Wt-200lbs
After Wt.-170lbs(and dropping!)
-I live a very busy and hectic live in the Army and I figured I was doomed to be chubby until I entered a slower paced profession, until I found “The Workshop”! It proved to me the simplicity of good nutrition and the possibilities of change. So, I began making minor adjustments to my diet and increased my time spent engaged in Cardio and immediately recognized desirable differences in my physique, as well as my energy level! Well, I continued to make more and more changes until I became the trim, slim, and energetic man I need to be. I would also like to add that my general health has improved drastically! Unfortunately, due to deployment and other obstacles I digress for short periods, however, I only focus on what I CAN control. I would like to thank Scooby for his dedication to his passion, not his wallet, you are a friend that I would like to meet someday.
Your Friend,
Hey Ross, your transformation is remarkable! Its funny how dropping 30 pounds of fat can make such a difference. I think the weight loss makes you look even more muscular. You are a great example of doing what you can. We cant control everything so we just have to do the best with the situations we are dealt. If you have lemons you can either make some delicious lemonade or suck on them and make sour faces :)