
This is Zamir from Pleasanton, CA. Wow! What a transformation! Zamir has shown what a teen can do with hard work and perseverance! In 14 months of hard work, he added 21 lbs of muscle without an once of fat – he is just as as shredded now as he was then. His transformation brings up two important points. First you do NOT have to get fat to gain muscle! Zamir didn’t use any crazy bulking/cutting silliness, just good strict nutrition. And secondly, as with several other teen success stories, please note that this rapid weight gain is part natural growth spurt and partly from sweat and hard workouts. If you are 40years old, don’t be expecting to gain 21lbs muscle in 16 months like he did!

Zamir writes:

“Hello scooby, My name is Zamir. I’ve used your advice and been watching your videos a bit over a year now and it has changed my life. I am 19.  I have seen every single video of yours and I follow my nutrition like you do! I’m a full time student and a have a full time job bt that doesn’t stop me! I also referred your videos to few of my buddies and cousins who want to get serious about getting in shape.

My workout, Monday-thursday – upper body
friday lowerbody
Sat-sunday. Jogging, cardio, ab. etc.

Nutrition. Oatmeal, LOTS of protein, Egg whites and boiled potatoes”