Hunger Management
Successful weight loss programs require hunger management, or more to the point hunger avoidance. If you are ever hungry when attempting to lose fat, you will fail. You might do fine for a week or even a month, but at some point, your pent up deprivation will rear its ugly head in a binge that will probably undo all your fat losses so far. This is NOT healthy nor does it work. You need to employ hunger management techniques to insure you are *never* hungry if you are going to be successful at long term weight loss. When it comes to weight loss goals HUNGER = FAILURE.
How to manage your hunger
- By setting your caloric target correctly!!! Use at most a 25% caloric restriction. Using any more than not only will increase the amount of muscle you lose but also lead to hunger and eventually a binge-failure. To find out the correct caloric intake for your age, height, weight, gender, and activity level see my CustomMealPlanner.Com, you can also make a custom meal plan there that is perfect for you and your goals!
- By choosing a healthy meal plan! Virtually none of the fad diets are healthy. In my opinion, if every single meal does not have a large portion of vegetables then it is not healthy. Again, please see CustomMealPlanner.Com, it will make a meal plan that is healthy, meets your macros, and will provide good hunger management.
- Find a hunger management technique that works for you and be willing to experiment. For some, intermittent fasting might work. For others keto or low carb might be just what they need. For others, maybe the healthy Mediterranean nutrition is just the ticket. just basic healthy food with portion control is all they need. Play around. If you find yourself hungry then it is NOT for you, go ahead and try another. Although my bodyfat varies little thru the year, I find myself having to make mini-cuts about once a year or when I do contests. In these cases my personal favorite is to use 5-6 small well balanced low carb meals.
- Quality of what you eat is more important than the macros! Just because on paper a Hostess Twinkie with a scoop of protein power has better macros does not it is nutritionally superior to a plate of steamed vegetables and three eggs. Again, I know I sound like a broken record but please see CustomMealPlanner.Com. The beauty of custommealplanner is that unlike other meal planners, it does not give you any unhealthy or bad food choices. In other words, you cannot fail!
- Stop thinking ‘snack’. There is no such thing as a snack, everything is a meal, and everything has to fit into your nutritional plan. If you find yourself hungry between meals then add an additional meal to your daily meal plan! Its that simple. If its too hard logistically then tell the meal planner you want 3 meals but if its too much food for you, feel free to put part of it back in the fridge to eat in a few hours as a ‘snack’.
By the way, custommealplanner is 100% free and 100% anonymous, you don’t have to set up an account to use it! I wrote it for my personal use for my men’s physique contest preparation and I loved it so much, I thought others would find it helpful as well.