Exercise Better Than Medicine
East Hartford, USA
Before pic: July 1st 2012
After pic: May 1st 2013
I followed Scooby’s website for a couple years before I finally made a commitment to applying all of the knowledge he shared. I always thought I could just workout sporadically and expect results. Using Scooby’s info, I bought some used dumbbells, started with his intermediate workout plan, and graduated to the advanced after a couple of months. A work related (NOT workout related!) injury in November slowed me down a bit, but I stuck with what I was able to do until I was able to get back to full activity. The most important guidance has been the nutrition info. I make my meals early in week and even make the Scooby Poo Bars and meal replacement bars (Yum!). I do about an hour of weight lifting and 30 min of cardio 6 days a week. Doing it at home makes things so much easier. A little more than I year ago I was depressed, drinking too much, and had high blood pressure. Now, I’ve never felt happier, I don’t drink and my blood pressure is PERFECT! My average resting heart rate, went from about 85 down to 55. What’s amazing as well is that I actually SAVE money by carefully planning and purchasing the food I am going to eat. So after all is said in done, I’m richer, in mind, body, spirit, and actual cash! LOL! Thanks Scooby for the no-nonsense info. My goals this year are to participate in a couple of obstacle course and keep working hard so I can get that truly SHREDDED look! All natural of course!
Hey Mike, congratulations on lowering your blood pressure the natural way – thru diet and exercise! So many people these days resort to pills without even heeding their doctors advice to exercise and eat well. Not only did you become healthier inside, you got a fantastic physique as a bonus prize :) If may have happened too slowly for you to notice, but look at the difference in your pec size between the before and after photos – huge difference!