YouTube Red and Scoobysworkshop

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For those who have not heard, “Red” is YouTube’s new paid subscription service.
Here is my stance, so let me state this clearly:

My videos WILL be available free of charge.

The reason I started my website ten years ago was that I firmly believe that fitness, health, and bodybuilding information MUST be available to everyone regardless of financial means.   I believe that just as strongly today as I did a decade ago.  Fitness and health are a basic human right in my opinion, not just something for the privileges few.   All how-to web pages are free and all my videos are free, I have no paid content.  Ten dollars per month may not seem like much to some, but for others who cant even afford a gym membership, it would effectively cut off all their fitness information.   If it turns out that the free video option has been removed from YouTube and that people will no longer be able to watch my videos for free, then I will self host my videos on Amazon Web Services.  I hosted my own videos before YouTube was even born and I can go back to hosting my own videos.   YouTube, its your move!  

YouTube’s rather problematic rollout of Red was responsible for all my videos being unavailable on Saturday and I was forced into agreeing to the new conditions to get my videos back on line.  I think this is much todo about nothing but time will tell.  From everything I have heard, its simply a choice.  You can continue watching my videos for free with the same ads that have always been there, or you can pay the $10/month to watch the same videos without ads.  Again though, I have no problems self hosting if I have to.



scooby1961 not available