Michael Gets Jacked!

Michael Gets Jacked!

weight loss & muscle gain succes

Hey Scooby,

You are a complete legend and I thank you for providing the best bodybuilding information on the internet.

My name is Michael and I am 17 years old. I live in London, England.

Before : Age 15 15.04.2011 145lb (66kg)
After : Age 17 01.04.2013 205lb (93kg)
My name is Michael and I live in London. I have been exercising 5 days a week for the last 4 years now (since I was 12) and believe it as the single most positive force in my life. Training eating and sleeping if a part of me now and I couldn’t see it any other way. I believe the most important part to growth is having the correct knowledge on training and nutrition. No other source in my opinion comes close to Scoobys workshop of which I have been a dedicated follower for the last 2 years. The first year or so of training I was making slow gains, perhaps because I was young, but I noticed exponential increases in strength and size after applying the principles I had learnt from Scoobys website. I strongly agree with Scooby that you can get ripped in a home gym, and think that commercial gyms are a waste of time and money until you get really serious about the sport, if that. Exercising daily and looking after my body has not only bought me success in the gym but elsewhere too. It has taught me how to be dedicated and organized which are skills I have found invaluable in succeeding in other areas of life such as school and relationships. Thank you Scooby, I owe it to you :)

Any problems with the pictures let me know and Ill send some others through.



Hey Michael, you are a star!  60 pounds of muscle in two years.   Just a warning who hope to duplicate Michael’s feat, it was a puberty growth spurt plus incredibly hard work and strict nutrition that let Michael pack on this weight.  If you dont have all three, its not going to happen.